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The impact of culture is underestimated by most persons. In the last 25 years, there has been a migration of Americans to Japan and Japanese to America. Some people have made this choice on a personal basis, seeking to broaden themselves in a foreign country and in a foreign culture. For many others the choice has been one of career and economics, persons sent to the foreign land by their company or institution for a short or long term stay. At the end of their stay be it personal or professional, they return "home", or in this case, their home country and make an attempt to return to their life as they knew it prior to departure. The reality for many is that life is never again the same. Regardless of how long or short the exposure in the foreign country and culture, they are forever changed and soon realize that their life will now be a blending of both cultures, the culture of their birth and the acquired culture of the foreign land. AFTER AMERICA ...AFTER JAPAN a documentary film, will examine the lives of a selected group of persons in both countries who continue to face the challenges to determine their new cultural identity.

Purchase the Film with a check for College / University
Purchase the Film with a check for High Schools Public Libraries Non Profit agencies
Purchase the Film with a check for home use

For a recent review of "After America...After Japan" please click this link

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